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The influence and treatment method of electric scooter soaked in water

Water immersion in electric scooters has three effects:

First, although the motor controller is designed to be waterproof, it is usually not particularly waterproof, and it may directly cause the controller to burn out due to water entering the controller.

Second, if the motor enters water, the joints will be short-circuited, especially if the water level is very deep.

Third, if water enters the battery box, it will directly lead to a short circuit between the positive and negative electrodes. The slight consequence is to damage the battery, and the most serious consequence is to directly cause the battery to burn or even explode.

What should I do if the electric scooter enters the water?

1. Soak the battery in water and let it dry before recharging. Various brands of electric vehicles have adopted a lot of waterproof measures, so generally electric vehicles should not be wetted by rainwater.

Tight, but this does not mean that electric vehicles can “walk through” the water at will. I would like to remind all car owners, do not charge the electric vehicle battery immediately after it is wet by rain, and must put the car in a ventilated place to dry before charging.

2. The controller is easily short-circuited and out of control if it is immersed in water. Water entering the controller of the battery car can easily cause the motor to reverse. After the electric car is severely soaked, the owner can

Remove the controller and wipe off the accumulated water inside, blow it dry with a hair dryer and then install it. Note that it is best to wrap the controller with plastic after installation to increase the waterproof ability.

3. Riding electric vehicles in water, the resistance of the water is very large, which may easily cause the balance to be out of control.

Manhole covers are very dangerous. Therefore, it is best to get off the car and push them when encountering waterlogged sections.

Post time: Nov-16-2022