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Can electric scooters go on the road and matters needing attention

Yes, but not in motorized lanes.

Whether electric scooters are classified as motor vehicles without express regulations and whether they need a license plate on the road is still under discussion. At present, the traffic police generally do not arrest them. But riding an electric scooter is best to choose parks, squares, and places where the traffic is smoother and less crowded.

Electric scooters are another new product form of skateboarding after traditional skateboards. Electric scooters are very energy efficient, charge fast and have a long range. The vehicle is beautiful in appearance, easy to operate and safer to drive.

Notes on riding an electric scooter:

1. Be sure to tighten the screws everywhere before riding. When you buy a new car, the first thing you do is tighten the screws. Since the screws are not tightened, the car will shake while driving, which is extremely dangerous. Also check regularly!

2. After repeated practice, drive on the road. Don’t be blindly confident. If you are unskilled on the road and you have to hide your car when you encounter it, it is easy to be in danger because of panic. So be sure to practice outdoors.

3. It is best not to slam on the brakes. Because this type of car is less stable and more flexible, it is especially easy to roll over when suddenly braked. In difficult road conditions, slow down in advance.

4. Do not wade in water. This type of EV has relatively low terrain, so once it’s wading, it’s easy to short out. This car may be scrapped!

It is best not to ride in rainy and snowy days. In rain and snow, the ground is slippery and difficult to control, making braking even more dangerous. Therefore, it is better to change the mode of transportation in rainy and snowy days.

6, the road is uneven (potholes), it is best not to ride. Because the chassis is low, it is easy to scratch, and the wheels are small and easy to fall.

Post time: Nov-11-2022